Event Previews and Reports

A heads-up on what to expect at the industry’s key events and post-show news roundups

Event Review: BAFTA TV Craft Awards

Event Review: NAB 2023

Event Preview: Cine Gear Expo

Highlights from MPTS 2023

Event Review: IMAGO’s 30th anniversary

Event Review: BSC Expo

Event Review: The Academy Awards

Event Review: BSC Awards 2023

Event Review: BAFTA Awards

Event Review: Manchester International Film Festival

March 2023: The taste of success

Event Preview: BSC Expo 2023

Event Review: EnergaCAMERIMAGE 2022 Film Festival

BSC Awards 2023: A night of cinematic splendour

Event Review: Evolution Mallorca International Film Festival

Celebration of Cinematography

Event Review: Leeds International Film Festival

BFI London Film Festival

International Cinematography Summit review

Event Review: Cannes Film Festival

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