Slocombe steals the limelight at Academy party in London

Jan 15, 2016

Centenarian cinematographer Douglas Slocombe BSC made the headlines recently after a high-profile film industry event in London. Reported in the Daily Mail, although actress Cate Blanchett was just one of many A-listers at a special reception hosted by US Ambassador, Matthew Barzun, for European members of the Academy of Arts And Motion Picture Sciences, it was the 102-year-old master cinematographer who garnered most of the attention.

Our Hero … (l-r) Harrison Ford with cinematographer Douglas Slocombe BSC and Steven Spielberg on the set of Raiders Of The Lost Ark

Slocombe, who shot the first three Raiders Of The Lost Ark movies, Julia, Travels With My Aunt and The Italian Job, amongst many others, and earned three Oscar nominations, drew tributes and toasts from Academy bosses Cheryl Boone Isaacs and Dawn Hudson during the event.

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