Fitter Happier
Meet the new wave / Colin Watkinson
Filmography (so far):
Master Class (2010), Entourage Season 5 (2008), The Fall (2006), and Immortals (2nd Unit) (2010).
When did you discover you wanted to be a cinematographer?
Peerless Camera Company had a motion control studio which was always very busy. The first time I ever went out on location, that was it, I was hooked.
Where did you train?
At Peerless Camera Company, and then on set.
What are you favourite films?
The Big Lebowski (DP Roger Deakins BSC ASC). It's a great comedy.
In The Mood For Love (DPs’ Christopher Doyle, Pung-Leung Kwan and Pin Bing Lee). This film is stunning, just beautiful.
The Godfather (Gordon Willis ASC). No explanation needed.
And recently – The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (DPs Jens Fischer and Eric Kress)

Who are your industry heroes?
Barry Ackroyd, Ben Davis, Benoit Delhomme. All three of these DPs taught me so much, yet all three of them are totally different. The work of Conrad Hall makes me believe I can mature and only get better in cinematography.
Have you won any awards or received any nominations?
The Fall won the Austin Film Critics Award 2008 for Best Cinematography, Best Film at the Sitges Catalonian International Film Festival 2007, and also won the Crystal Bear – Special Mention’ in the Generation 14plus – Best Feature Film category at the Berlin International Film Festival 2007. The Fall came in the ASC top 50 films for cinematography for the last decade. I was nominated at the Chicago Film Critics Association Awards 2008 for Best Cinematography on The Fall and also at the Online Film Critics’ Society Awards 2008 for Best Cinematography, again for The Fall.
What’s you proudest moment?
My mum and dad made a trip to London just to see The Fall.
What’s the worst knock-back/rejection you ever had?
I tend not to remember details of rejections.

"There have been so many fun moments. Using the EVO pursuit car in the Entourage car chase was particularly exhilarating."
- Colin Watkinson
What’s been your best/worst moment on set?
There have been so many fun moments. Using the EVO pursuit car in the Entourage car chase was particularly exhilarating. My worst moment was being an assistant and having to tell Steve Lowe that the four-hour animation he just finished was useless as the camera had the capping shutter closed.
Your most hilarious faux pas?
Too many!
Away from work, what are your greatest passions?
My family, cooking and football.
What one piece of kit could you not live without?
Canon 5D.

What’s the weirdest place you’ve ever shot in?
Aberneri Boli in Jaipur, India
What’s the hardest shot/thing you’ve had to light/frame?
An actress, whom I won’t name, but would only be lit one way no matter what the scene was.
In the entire history of filmmaking, which film would you love to have shot?
Sweet Smell Of Success (1957) (DP James Wong Howe)
What are your current top albums?
MGMT. It's oracularly spectacular
What's your greatest extravagance?
My agents, ha ha ha!
What’s the best thing about being a DP?
Being able to park close to the set.
What’s the worst thing about being a DP?
A million questions every day
If you weren’t a DP, what job would you be doing now?
A pipe fitter
What are your aspirations for the future?
To keep having fun, and to shoot more films.