BBC Studioworks tops global BAFTA Sustainability Standard

Jun 2, 2023

BBC Studioworks has been commended as the highest-ranking studio facilitator in the BAFTA Sustainability Scheme.

Based on the 2022 submission data, BBC Studioworks topped the scorecard for its Television Centre studio, with an overall sustainability rating of 83%, compared to an average of 59% across the 12 participating studios.

The Bafta Studio Sustainability Standard, is open to all TV and film studios to support the measurement and reduction of the environmental impact of their facilities. The initiative has been designed and accredited by the BAFTA-owned and industry-backed organisation albert, which offers tools, training, practical guidance and thought leadership, to all screen professionals. The aim is to help studios identify and act upon opportunities, both on and off screen, which will lead to collective climate action across the sector.

The BBC Studioworks submission demonstrated market leading initiatives already in place across all categories. These included policies on energy consumption and waste, such as 100% house power with a REGO-backed renewable tariff, a proactive approach to assessing and approving suppliers, a zero-waste sent to landfill policy, and the use of compliant materials. The report also praised initiatives that directly impacted employee and community wellbeing such as, 75% plant-based catering, staff sustainability awareness initiatives, and local community engagement schemes. BBC Studioworks is reducing its carbon footprint in regional TV production and championing growth in the sector with localised employment.

Sustainability has been a key driver in the development of BBC Studioworks’ recent studio design. The announcement follows on from investment in environmentally conscious technology at Kelvin Hall. As part of a wider redevelopment initiative at the Glasgow site, the lighting galleries now feature LED and low energy lighting technology. The reduced heat generated by the low energy lighting has enabled the use of air-source heat pump technology for heating and cooling, and the ventilation plant has class-leading efficiency using heat recovery systems.

Andrew Moultrie, CEO BBC Studioworks said: “Sustainability is at the heart of our operation and a fundamental tenet of our business. There is a growing demand from commissioners to lessen our impact on the environment. As facility providers we must step-up our efforts on sustainability and work on cross-industry initiatives to protect the world we work and the creative sector we love so dearly.”

The Studio Sustainability Standard was developed in partnership with Arup, a global collective of designers, engineering and sustainability consultants and advisors, and in collaboration with experts and trade bodies. It is designed to help studio facilities used for filming, reduce their environmental impact by focusing on six important areas: Climate, Circularity, Nature, People, Management and Data. Studios are required to submit data annually under each key area for assessment and accreditation. BBC Studioworks has received a bespoke sustainability report, as well as an overall score, enabling it to make comparisons with other studios and gain perspective of its environmental efforts in relation to the wider industry.

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