VMI holds lens comparison shoot with a difference

Mar 27, 2023

In a break from traditional lens comparison shoots, VMI invited 40 camera department professionals to come and see some new FF lenses and help to create a ‘real world’ comparison video by taking part in a comparative shoot event, held in early March 2023.

VMI provided actors, a 1st AC, grip and shooting kit with Sony Venice or ARRI Mini LF, complete with dolly, slider and lighting and created four-way comparisons of Cooke FF Classic Panchro, Tribe7 Blackwing T-tune, Gecko-Cam Vintage ’66 and Sigma Classic Primes (i.e. same shot with four passes with same focal length across the different manufacturers).

DPs took it in turns to direct the actors, change the lighting, design the camera move and focus pull, and create a unique scene.

See some video highlights from VMI’s shoot on their website – the comparison videos will be posted online in April.

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