Moviechrome introduces its Moviechrome Pixel Reality Studio LED Volume

Jan 9, 2024

Milan-based production service Moviechrome has recently introduced its state-of-the-art Moviechrome Pixel Reality Studio LED Volume, a cornerstone in virtual production and the first studio in Europe that features Absen PR technology with a 2.5 pixel pitch resolution.

Powered by Brompton Technology LED processing, it is ideally suited for a wide array of productions, from high-budget blockbusters to indie films, automotive inserts, packshots and consumption shots, guaranteeing hyper-realistic outputs, high contrast ratio and unparalleled colour fidelity.

“The idea for the Moviechrome Pixel Reality Studio LED Volume stemmed from a desire to revolutionise the film and production industry with cutting-edge technology combined with our SFX team and Bolt robot motion control,” says Edoardo Mari, CEO at Moviechrome (Milano). “The initial concept was not solely client-requested but emerged from our foresight into the evolving needs of the industry. We recognised the increasing demand for more efficient, flexible, and creative filming environments, especially in the wake of challenges posed by global events such as the pandemic.”

The LED Volume spans an impressive 13.5m in width, 4.5m in height, and features a total resolution of 5400×1800. The motorised LED Volume ceiling is 5m in width, 3m in height, and includes resolution of 2000×1200. The entire set-up is driven by four 4k Tessera SX40 LED processors and eight Tessera 10G data distribution units.

The decision to invest in Absen PR technology and Brompton Technology LED processing was the result of meticulous research and industry analysis. “We aimed to integrate the best-in-class LED volume solutions, and these brands stood out for their reliability, high-quality performance, and the robust support they offer,” continues Mari. He further notes that the decision was also influenced by the positive feedback from other users and their proven track record in the market.

Moviechrome Pixel Reality Studio LED Volume was officially opened in October 2023. Since then, the team has been overwhelmed with the positive feedback from their clients.

“Everyone has been really impressed by our state-of-the-art facilities and the seamless integration of the latest technologies, which have significantly expanded our clients’ creative possibilities. We recently shot an automotive commercial with a famous Italian celebrity that was released in November, and we are particularly proud of the result!” Mari adds.

Speaking about the benefits of Brompton’s Tessera LED processors, Mari emphasises that the team takes full advantage of the Tessera features, particularly the advanced colour correction capabilities, which allow for precise colour matching and uniformity across panels. Additionally, Frame Remapping and On-Screen Colour Adjustment (OSCA) have been pivotal in ensuring visuals are not only consistent but of the highest possible quality. “Last but not least, it’s the ease of managing complex configurations and the user-friendly interface that have been a boon for our technical team,” Mari exclaims.

Looking to the future, Mari explains that the vision for the studio is to be at the forefront of virtual production technology, setting a new standard for filmmaking and content creation with cost effective solutions. “We envisage the studio facilitating a wide array of productions, from high-budget blockbusters to indie films, and even extending to immersive live event broadcasting,”  he says. “Our goal is to empower creators with limitless possibilities in virtual environments, ultimately shaping the future of storytelling.”

With such an ambitious strategy, Brompton LED processing is pivotal to achieving the team’s vision, “as it ensures the highest quality control over the LED panels”.

“Brompton’s advanced processing capabilities, including HDR and accurate colour matching, allow for an unparalleled level of realism and immersion, which is key for the types of productions we aim to support,” states Mari. “The reliability and precision of Brompton’s technology provides the necessary foundation for our creatives to push boundaries and innovate within the virtual production space.”

“Whether it’s a beautiful sun-kissed desert, a serene wild beach, or mesmerising snow-capped mountains, we are delighted to see Brompton LED processing assisting Moviechrome Pixel Reality studio in achieving year-round cinematic magic,” concludes Dries Vermeulen, Business Development Manager – Europe at Brompton. “With such cutting-edge LED technology and a highly experienced team, we can’t wait to witness all the creative projects that will emerge from Moviechrome’s new facility!”

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