Enter ARRI Rental’s EnergaCAMERIMAGE short film competition

Nov 9, 2021
Photo: Pascal Boudet, DP: Jerome de Gerlach, Model: Lou Gala

If you are a film student registered at the 2021 EnergaCAMERIMAGE Festival, you are invited to enter the draw for ARRI Rental’s short film competition.

The concept

From all of the students who register to enter the competition, five will be selected at random to participate. Each will be given an ARRI camera and lens kit for one day during the festival, with which they must shoot all the footage they need for a short film of one to five minutes (no more, no less).

The theme

Your film must be on the theme of “COLLABORATION.” It’s up to you how you interpret that brief, but please keep it to a PG-15 rating. No gratuitous violence, nudity, etc. – we want to share the winning film on our social media channels.

Editing and submission

You will have until Christmas to edit and submit your film. A winner will be announced in January. Sound is up to you, but we are only supplying basic audio equipment, so this isn’t about great dialogue – they’ll be judging the films on their cinematography and visual storytelling. If you use any music, please make sure you’re not infringing copyright.

The prize

The winner will get an expenses-paid trip to Munich, with a night in a hotel and a tour of ARRI’s headquarters, where the cameras are actually built. You’ll visit the ARRI museum, the production lines, all the different departments, and be treated to lunch with the ARRI team. The four runners-up will get a little something, too.

How to register

Email ARRI Rental at shortfilmcompetition@arrirental.de by November 13th to register your interest in taking part. After that date they will randomly draw the names of the five successful entrants and contact them with further details about the competition.

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