IMAGO has never been more relevant in its main aim to connect cinematographers from all over the world and now it has a dedicated team from all over the world to lead the way. Newly elected Co-Presidents, Elen Lotman ESC and Ron Johanson OAM ACS share an important update, on behalf of the IMAGO Board.
By now you have probably heard about the recent IMAGO Elections and the ensuing results which saw, for the first time, Co-Presidents elected; Elen Lotman ESC and Ron Johanson OAM ACS, along with Vice-Presidents; Bojana Andric SAS and Adriana Bernal Martinez ADFC. We have prioritised the position of General Secretary to Aleksej Bercovitch RSG and Treasury remains the domain of Roger Simonsz BSC. Thanks and recognition to our Interim Chair, Mustapha Barat ABC who has led with calm and dignity during his tenure.
I want to emphasise that this is not revolutionary thinking by any means, it is simply IMAGO evolving further to represent the broad base we now have since Nigel Walters BSC, when he was President, wanted to make IMAGO a truly International Federation. This is now the case, but we believe we must make every effort to adhere to the principles set down by our founders, that is to always encompass what has become known as “the spirit of IMAGO”.
Let us be perfectly honest, in recent times that has not always been the case, but this new administration firmly believes in transparency, communication, and integrity. Now more than ever, we want to be an open Federation, a place where all countries, all members, can have their say in what will determine the future of IMAGO. To that end, we are already planning to have the IMAGO Future Conference in December, where we will, unfortunately due to COVID, all meet online to discuss openly and frankly the future of IMAGO as we see it. The agenda is still being formulated, but given IMAGO is people based, we will be looking to our amazing committees to form the basis of how the future is perceived, to benefit all members, with priority to the smaller countries, who may not have the assets to put some things in place. As a larger group, the Board believes these countries need our assistance, so that will be an important topic for discussion.

Last year, we welcomed the ASC into IMAGO and the contribution has already been effective, with open Board meetings and constructive discussion amongst our Board comprising Mustapha Barat ABC (Brazil); Vincenze Condorelli AIC (Italy); Philippe Cordey SVS BVK (Switzerland); Steven Fierberg ASC (USA); Tahvo Hirvonen FSC (Finland); Denis Lenoir AFC ASC (France); Alex Linden FSF (Sweden); Roberto Schaefer ASC AIC (USA); Mario Sablic HFS (Croatia); and Argyris Theos GSC (Greece).
We have also admitted Azerbaijan as an Associate member and confirmed Full membership for South Africa and Argentina.
Gender and diversity will continue to be a mainstay of the IMAGO committees as well as authorship rights, working conditions, and of course education. Our IMAGO Technical Committee will continue their pro activity with our manufacturing sponsors and keep us all up to date with any advances we need to know about. Hard working and committed people whose interest is only in what is the best thing for IMAGO and our members, lead and participate in all our committees.
The recognition and importance of our IMAGO sponsors is of paramount importance to us, and we acknowledge the support given to IMAGO by our generous sponsors. Our sponsorship manager Oli Parry is to be congratulated for the way in which he has collaborated with our sponsors.
There is a saying, “From little things, big things grow”, so it is our intention to immediately propose to the Board for ratification, our IMAGO Policy on bullying and harassment. We must ensure that all our events are totally free from any of this behaviour.
When time allows us and the world is free to travel, we will consider reinstating our “Inspiration” master classes which were a resounding success and allowed those attending to meet first hand those cinematographers who gave their time and energy to share the knowledge with a broad cross section of students, emerging and working cinematographers.
There is so much open to us, and we will discuss with all parties before firm decisions are made. IMAGO, which has been de jure international, will now, with the new leadership, become a de facto global organisation. The world has changed enormously during the last years and there are so many challenges that all cinematographers face everywhere, globally. IMAGO has never been more relevant in its main aim to connect cinematographers from all over the world and now we have a dedicated team from all over the world to lead the way.
There is much to do, however we would like to hear from you, to enable us to put things in place that relate to all our members. To that end, we have an IMAGO Community Page on our website that you should have received login details for or we are happy to respond to any emails.
This is such an exciting time for IMAGO and our member countries. We are embracing the opportunity to bring us all together under the IMAGO banner.