Submissions for the British Society Of Cinematographers’ Award For ‘Best Cinematography In A TV Drama 2018’ are still open, but the deadline for submissions is Midnight, Sunday 6th January 2019.
This year’s winner will follow in the footsteps of Mark Patten (above), who took the accolade last year for Series 1, Episode 4 of Taboo, ahead of two-time previous winner Gavin Finney BSC; another previous winner, Felix Wiedemann BSC; recent energaCAMERIMAGE winner James Friend; and Adriano Goldman ASC ABC. Previous years’ winners have also included Chris Ross BSC and Rob Hardy BSC.
The ‘TV Drama’ award and all other annual BSC Awards, including the ACO/BSC/GBCT Operators Awards, will be announced and presented at a spectacular new awards evening in celebration of the 70th Anniversary of the BSC, to be held on 15th February 2019 at the Grosvenor House Hotel, London.
Click here for a ‘BSC TV Drama Award 2018’ entry form