Royal Television Society (RTS) London has announced the launch of The Television Podcast, hosted by renowned television presenters Andrew Eborn and Nadine Dereza. The monthly podcast promises to bring an inside look into the world of television, featuring discussions and reviews of the biggest television events and news stories with the help of an all-star panel.
The Television Podcast’s panel will be made up of different contributors and journalists, including titans of television, media moguls and industry giants who live and breathe TV. Expect to hear from some of the biggest names in the industry, sharing their thoughts, insights and expertise.
The first episode of The Television Podcast will shine a spotlight on two global TV events taking place in May 2023 in the UK. The Eurovision Song Contest and The Coronation of His Majesty The King and Her Majesty The Queen will provide an opportunity to shine a global spotlight on the UK, its rich history and unparalleled pageantry and its technical and creative excellence. Andrew Eborn and Nadine Dereza and their all-star panel will provide in-depth analysis and commentary, offering a unique perspective on these highly anticipated events.
Nadine Dereza said: “The Television Podcast puts a spotlight on the most talked about TV events and productions, lifting the bonnet on the creativity and craft behind the programmes. It’s fantastic that RTS London has attracted contributors from BBC, ITN, Financial Times and Radio Times in our first ever episode, and we see this podcast going from strength to strength as word gets out about it.”
Andrew Eborn added: “I am thrilled to be working with RTS London and the brilliant Nadine Dereza & Phil Barnes. The Television Podcast is set to become a must for anyone with an interest in television, providing unparalleled insight and analysis from some of the biggest names in the industry. Expect to be entertained, informed, and engaged.”
Phil Barnes, RTS London chair and executive producer, added: “Nadine and Andrew are the dream team of presenters and I look forward to The Television Podcast from RTS London becoming one of everyone’s go-to podcasts.”
The first episode of The Television Podcast will be available on all major podcast platforms from 28 April 2023.
Joining Nadine Dereza & Andrew Eborn in the first episode of The Television Podcast: Eurovision
- Paddy O’Connell, Eurovision Song Contest aficionado and presenter, BBC Radio
- Daniel Rosney, BBC News’ dedicated Eurovision reporter and co-host, of BBC’s Eurovisioncast
The Coronation of The King and The Queen Consort
- Tami Hoffman, head of news productions & archive, ITN Productions
The Big Media Stories Review
- Janine Gibson, editor, FT Weekend
- Roger Bolton, Former BBC executive and independent producer now presenting Roger Bolton’s Beebwatch
Television Viewing Figures
- Matt Laycock, audience director, Barb Audiences
Look Ahead – TV Highlights for May
- Frances Taylor, TV previews editor, Radio Times