There are concerns that historic West End cinema, the Curzon in Mayfair, may have to close because of a disagreement over the soundproofing of flats being built above.
Noise from films played at the Curzon in Mayfair can be heard on the two floors above the cinema, where star-studded film premieres are regularly held, according to the developers of the properties. The flats could fetch more than £2 million each.
The owner of the building, Vevil International, says it is keen for the cinema to stay in its current location, but that it must deal with concerns over noise under the terms of its lease. The Curzon says it cannot afford soundproofing, which it believes would cost £500,000, and would “never obtain approval for as the auditorium and surrounding walls are listed”, according to its director of cinema development Rob Kenny.
The deadlock has resulted in a legal “action for forfeiture”, meaning the cinema faces surrendering its lease and vacating the building. The BSC is calling for people to sign a petition to keep the cinema going at www.you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/save-curzon-mayfair.