The third and final series of ITV’s acclaimed TV crime drama Broadchurch, produced by Kudos, Imaginary Friends and Sister Pictures, was shot using Cooke Anamorphic/i lenses by cinematographer Carlos Catalan. The unusual decision to shoot a TV drama Anamorphically was taken to make the most of the wide vistas of the coastal setting, and to bring a cinematic look to the story.
“I was a big fan of the show, so the question was how could I contribute to something that had already made its mark in terms of cinematography?” said Catalan. “One of the elements that came to mind was Anamorphic, to bring a cinematic experience and a wider aspect ratio to the show. Luckily when we presented the idea of going 2:1 to ITV, we were surprised and delighted that they agreed.”
Catalan had previously worked with the director Paul Andrew Williams on the BAFTA award-winning drama Murdered By My Boyfriend.
“We used older Anamorphic lenses on that production, so we already had an idea in our minds of what we could bring to Broadchurch – improving, but still keeping the elements that people like and expect,” Catalan continued. “I tested the Cooke Anamorphic/i lenses and really liked them. They produce a clear picture with contrast while at the same time keeping the warm, delicate feel which is so nice for skin tones. I shot a lot wide open, and the Anamorphic/i’s create that fall-off at the top that helps to give a more cinematic look. As well as the exterior shots, they also handled lower light situations very well.”