Sheffield DocFest announces Reflections on Realities as its 2024 theme for the 31st edition of the festival taking place 12-17 June, and a special programme of films and conversations titled ‘Days of Reflection’ on the themes of Co-Resistance, Freedom of the Press, Ancestral Lands and Archiving the Present, with premieres of No Other Land, State of Silence, Yintah, and Witnesses: Captivity That Kills.
Sheffield DocFest firmly believes in the transformative power of documentaries to spark curiosity, engage audiences, and foster meaningful discussions. As a film festival committed to upholding freedom of expression, they actively facilitate activities that support filmmakers in their creative endeavours and aid in connecting their finished works with diverse audiences.
This year, recognising the interconnected challenges of rising polarisation, freedom of the press, attacks on independent journalism and the many violent conflicts around the world, we have thought deeply about our position and responsibility as a charity committed to advancing the art of documentary.
As part of our Days of Reflection, and throughout our full programme, they will present a daily reflection screening and moderated conversation, bringing together filmmakers across the programme to reflect on themes of: Co-Resistance, Freedom of the Press, Ancestral Lands and Archiving the Present.