Ramaz Studios, a renowned creative virtual production studio, announces the upcoming opening of its second studio in the vibrant neighbourhood of Soho. Located at 75 Dean Street, this new studio marks a significant milestone for Ramaz Studios, coming just two months after celebrating its successful first year of operations.Â
Ramaz Studio Soho will be situated in the iconic space formerly occupied by the Warner Brothers post-production house, becoming an integral part of a new creative club TWELFTH, that brings together a diverse community of artists, technologists, and innovators. The location will serve as a melting pot of talent, fostering collaboration and pushing the boundaries of technology and creativity.Â
Designed as a compact and versatile setup, Ramaz Studio Soho will feature a state-of-the-art LED screen, specially tailored for interviews, product photography/videography, small music videos, and live broadcasts. The studio boasts soundproofing capabilities, providing an ideal environment for high-quality audio recording. This new addition perfectly complements Ramaz Studio’s existing 5000 square feet facility in Abbey Wood, which is designed to accommodate larger shoots and productions.Â
With the introduction of Ramaz Studio Soho, Ramaz Studio is now equipped to cater to a broader range of production companies and their specific needs. The expansion enables Ramaz Studio to offer tailored solutions, allowing clients to choose between the two studios based on their project requirements and desired scale.Â
“We are thrilled to unveil Ramaz Studio Soho and further extend our creative reach in the heart of London,” said Mazin Bondok, Founder and CEO of Ramaz Studio. “The new studio reflects our commitment to providing innovative spaces that inspire creativity and collaboration. With our expanded offerings, we are well-positioned to meet the evolving needs of our clients and continue delivering exceptional experiences.”Â