Netflix’s Jaane Jaan has become a sensation in India, with the VFX for the film delivered by its native studio, FutureWorks. The renowned VFX studio, known for its global client-base, seamlessly integrated into the post-production process, delivering over 1,100 visual effects shots for the film.
Despite joining the project late in the shoot during the editing stage, FutureWorks proved to be an invaluable partner. Collaborating closely with director Sujoy Ghosh, they transformed his vision into a captivating narrative set against the stunning landscapes of Darjeeling and Kalimpong, East India.
Facing the challenge of a murder mystery with captivating scenes filmed on green screen sets, FutureWorks played a pivotal role in achieving a world-class result. VFX Supervisor Vinay Chuphal, Compositing Supervisor Prasad Patel, and their team collaborated with key stakeholders to ensure alignment in the project’s vision.
Utilising Digital Matte Paints and Autodesk Maya for 3D models in green screen composites, FutureWorks executed the challenging task with finesse. Foundry’s Nuke and Houdini were employed for final compositing and fog element generation, respectively. The complexity of the project was managed through ShotGrid, ensuring seamless collaboration among VFX artists across different locations.
Extending the small green screen studio set to create a larger scene posed a significant challenge, requiring meticulous attention to detail in post-production. Chuphal acknowledges the challenges but emphasised FutureWorks’ commitment to learning from past experiences. “Every VFX project is challenging but we have always believed in learning from past experiences and implementing any discovered solutions in the next project,” he says.
To heighten suspense and mystery, VFX was used to introduce fog into the scenes. The decision to add fog in post-production, rather than on set, was driven by the need for continuity and the changing intensity of on-set fog. Overcoming these technical challenges exemplifies FutureWorks’ dedication to tackling hurdles and collaborating with decision-makers. “FutureWorks prides itself on facing these hurdles head on, collaborating with all decision makers, and finding solutions which work for everybody”, concludes Gaurav Gupta, Co-founder of FutureWorks.