
The main purpose of the Federation is to champion and uphold the high standards achieved by the Cinematography Profession, and via a constant exchange of experience to promote the spread of that highly-specialised culture on which the long-standing technical and artistic quality of the European Cinema industry is firmly based.

One of the things that most concerns us, is making - by using our artistic and technical knowledge - an even more worthwhile contribution as IMAGO to improving and maintaining technological equipment and also the quality of screening in cinemas.

Thus ensures that all the work that we, together with the directors and their collaborators, put into making a film, and the resulting quality, may be fully appreciated by movie-goers who, in many instances, are nowadays obliged to watch films which, owing to technical inadequacies and shortcomings, do not come up to the standard of the original.

With a view to obtaining the legal recognition which would permit us to more effectively uphold this fundamental requisite of quality, in other words, to defend quality in the cinema, we aim to work simultaneously to have the Cinematographer recognised as co-author of the Film, which the Italian AIC and the Spanish AEC already do in their credits with a more appropriate and correct term that literally translated means "Author of the Photography". Legislative bodies are also beginning to acknowledge the legitimacy of the Directors of Photography (DoP) right to be recognised as co-author, but a great deal of work still has to be done.

Another important field in which IMAGO will take action, both by urging government intervention and becoming directly involved, is the methodical preservation and restoration - which can no longer be delayed - of our vast European cinematic heritage.

Operations such as these, require a financial commitment that is way beyond IMAGO's own possibilities. Even, as far as IMAGO's share is concerned, they cannot be undertaken without the responsible and creative participation, on a permanent rather than casual basis, of Cinematographers who are often the on-the-spot or secondary witnesses of Cinema history in the making.


Elen Lotman ESC
Ron Johanson OAM ACS

Bojana Andric SAS
Adriana Bernal Martinez ADFC

Board Members:
Mustapha Barat ABC
Vincenzo Condorelli AIC
Philippe Cordey SCS BVK
Steven Fierberg ASC
Tahvo Hirvonen FSC
Denis Lenoir AFC
Alex Linden FSF
Mario Sablic HFS
Roberto Schaefer ASC
Argyris Theos GSC

General Secretary: Aleksej Bercovitch RGC

Treasurer: Roger Simonsz BSC

Financial Controller: Eric Guichard AFC

IMAGO Legal Advisor: Dr. Cristina Busch

Sponsorship Manager: Oli Parry


Presidents: Elen Lotman ESC / Ron Johanson OAM ACS -


IMAGO International Federation of Cinematographers
Maison européenne des Auteurs et des Autrices
European Authors House
Rue du Prince Royal, 85
1050 Brussels