Arseni Khachaturan / Amica commercial

Arseni Khachaturan / Amica commercial

Home » Focus On Lenses » Arseni Khachaturan / Amica commercial


Production: Amica commercial

Cinematographer: Arseni Khachaturan

Director: Miles Jay

Production company: Smuggler

Lens(es): ARRI Heroes, ARRI DNA, Hawk 150-450, ARRI 50mm-110mm

Lenses supplied by: ARRI Rental Burbank, ARRI Rental Vancouver

Camera: ARRI Alexa 65

Look you needed to achieve: Director Miles Jay wanted to shoot each spot in two shots. We used long zoom lenses such as a Hawk 150mm-450mm to elevate a sense of anxiety and uneasiness and used slow zoom-ins to create a sense of no escape. The following shots were supposed to bring a sense of relief, compassion, and empathy, focused on a character in the centre of the frame, and the Heroes lens with its lush texture and character was a perfect tool for this.

Lens testing process: Matt Kolze, Chris Ragsdale (ARRI Rental LA) and Sarah Mather (ARRI Rental Vancouver) were incredibly helpful and involved in the process on this job, finding a specific de-tune look for our set of DNAs, as well as providing a Heroes lens and multiple prototypes they had in the works to help us find the look we wanted.

Why your chosen lens was the most appropriate: The Heroes lens has this unique eclectic character, with focus in the centre of the frame, and various degrees of distortions, which we were adjusting within the shot to emphasise a sense of empathy and relief, or distress on the contrary.

Filters: Digital Diffusion FX

Anything else to add: Other members of the crew included A cam 1st AC, Richard Dalgleish; B cam 1st AC, Dez May; and Steadicam, Dana Morris.


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